maanantai 23. toukokuuta 2011



Ja sitten bloggaan siitä, että nyt kun Suomi on Eurossa ja Ruotsi ja UK taas ei niin devalvoidaan nyt sitten euro! Ruotsi ja UK sais nenäänsä pienen pyöreän palkokasvin siemenen. Kiinan valuutta on valtavan spekulaation kohde ja siitä spekulaatiosta päävastuussa on Kiina säädöillään itse. Lisämaustetta iltaruskoon tulee siitä, että USA antaa samalla kertaa oman valuttansa EI KELLUA vaan vajota! mm. painamalla setelirahoituksella lisää taaloja. EURO vahvuus on soppa ja soppa on nyt valmis tarjottavaksi.

Kiinalla ei oo mitään syytä muutta omaa keinotekoisesti kelluvaa valuuttaansa koska se on maailman johtava talousmahti nr. 2 tai 3. USA:lla ei taas sen sisäpiiritalouteen paljon vaikuta taalan kurssi, koska sen kotimarkkinat ovat aina olleet sen päämarkkinat (ylivoimaisesti). Niipä sille ei oo paljoa väliä miten taala käyttäytyy muita valuuttoja vastaan. USA:ta kismittää Kiinan ja USA:n keskinäinen valuuttakurssi, ei EURO! Olisi siis hyvä nyt kerätä EURO:n maat isoon miitinkiin ja päättää tehdät "vanhat Suomet" eli DEVALVOIDA EURO esim. TASAN TAALAN KURSSIIN. Silloin Euroopan vientiveto maailmalle kohenisi sikana, taloudet myös. Ongelmaksi voisi kuitenkin muodostua edelleen Kreikka ja Portugali, joilla ei ole ilmeisesti koskaan ollut mitään merkittävää ventiteollisuutta. Mutta muu EU saisi fyrkkaa ovista ja ikkunoista ja osalla vois bungata osan noiden heikomopien maiden liemestä.
Ei muuta sit tällä kertaa.

Consumeratttack Johannes

PS Avaan Face Book sivut, joissa David ja Goljat caseni erästä suuryitystä vastaan tulee olemaan mahtavasti framilla. Tarkoituksena saada vahingonkorvauksia parilta yritykseltä Suoman lain vastaisesta toiminnasta. Palaan asiaan pian. Tarkoitus on myös vahingoittaa kyseisen yrityksen yrityskuvaa lain puitteissa maksimaalisesti.
Sitä varten olen hankkiut nettisaitin Korkeajännityssarja alkaa pian.

torstai 13. tammikuuta 2011

Today I would like to write to You in english. I stated in my August the 8 blog that Spain will ruin the Eruopean Community´s and the European Union´s general currency € for ever. My thoughts for WHY? are to be read in that blog. I now will state that what I in August 2010 wrote to the publicum and what I then stated is most probably going to happen. The reasons I explained then are still not commonly in the knowledge of the EU inhabitants. The enormous problems in Spain are still hidden from the big crowds. Even the professional politicians cannot really understand the real historical and "mental historical" matters which have led to the Spanish mentality and behaviour in economical matters to be as bad as it is today. The saying "manjana, manjana" alias "tomorrow, tomorrow" is a reality and it means many things. For example it means that the farmers or wine makers will continue to lie to all authorities (both local, regional, governmental and EU ) about their investments if the know that EU will give them supprtative money. That has been the national amusement subject and a habit and it still is. Now these different matters are going to lead to the fact that countries in the EU which are stronger, bigger and real hardworking countires like Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, GERMANY, U.K. and France are not finally going to GIVE AWAY and PAY with their inhabitants OWN mony to SPAIN to get in in the state of Going Concern. The Chapter 11 kind of state in which Spain will drop will mean very high interest rates in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Creece to start with and the € will collapse when the Strong countries feel enough treath to their OWN NATIONAL ECONOMICAL SECURITY and when their own IHABITANTS´ INTEREST RATES will start to RISE and to damage seriously their own economy. The strong economical countries will react IN ADVANCE to avoid their own economical failure.

Europe could then be fragmented to several economical areas and the EURO currency will diminish or disappear. This will cause enormous conflicts within the former European Community caountires. Really, NO person outside Spain is willing to loan Spain A LOT of money for ONE particular REASON: To pay the MONEY LAUNDRY OF SPAIN, whitening for example the enormous economical monster: The black market sector which under decenniums have been created in Spain and which Spain now seems to see as an opportunity to clear to the white side with monies from other European countries inhabitans purses (personal debt / country loan takings to support Spain).
If EU can solve this mess it of course would be stonger that ever, but are we Europeans willing to celan the shit of those countries? That is to be seen in the near future. Personally i do not participate in any way if I can avoid it. I do not trust in the Spanish people in econimical matters after being working with them under several years during the 90-ties as a director of a Spanish company. I love their culutural values and othe values of ordinary life. But I definitely do not like them in money-, ownership- and economical issues.